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Types of oud | Almohit for Agarwood and Agarwood Oil

Blue Oud

The blue oud is a heavy black piece, and it is one of the finest and most luxurious types of oud incense, in addition to that it is more expensive and can only be bought by the rich

It is one of the most well-known types of oud, attracting thousands of oud lovers, and this type of oud is characterized by its very aromatic smell and the fragrance of its smell remains on the clothes for a very long time,

It comes in the form of heavy black pieces, and the blue oud is not one of the main types of oud, but the main types are the Malaysian, Cambodian, Indian, Maroki, Burmese, Sumatran, and Clementian oud.

The most important characteristic of the blue oud is the blue smoke that emits from the blue oud when it burns, and the blue incense is also distinguished because its smoke does not have any health damages.

You can watch the video to learn more about the most important and best types of oud





Indian Oud

The Indian oud is considered one of the best and best quality incense And its smell is a very pleasant and fragrant scent, and its price is somewhat expensive

Which is extracted from the oud tree in India.Indian incense is admired by many different groups of society, as it is popular with many consumers.

Importing oud from India is also very difficult, as the government only allows exports of small quantities.



Indian incense can be distinguished from all types of incense, because Indian incense has a distinctive shape, where the oud has white and black parts that extend in the form of observable veins.

 The more the shape of the oud is black, the higher the quality of the oud and the large amount of fat in it, and a heavy weight.

Cambodian oud

The Cambodian oud is considered one of the most important types of original oud, as its quality parallels the Indian oud and is distinguished by its high density, durability and strength, and attracts many oud lovers, especially from the Arab Gulf countries. The markets where the Cambodian oud arrangement comes right after the Indian oud.



Laotian Oud

Laotian oud is named from the country from which it is extracted and it is the Lao People's Democratic Republic. The Laotian oud is considered one of the most important, best and most luxurious types of oud, as it is characterized by its very strong aroma, which is proven for a long time to stay on clothes.



Burmese oud

The Burmese Oud is a good species and has several varieties known to all Oud Lovers, which are similar to the Indian Oud and are distinguished by coldness and lightness, and the original home of Burmese Oud is Burma.





Javanese oud

Javanese Oud, native to Indonesia, has a very beautiful and fine aroma, and is characterized by its stability and long-term survival in clothes, furniture and curtains, and this type is characterized by its use in the manufacture of drugs, due to its great health benefits; The pain, but fragile, and quickly broken, and not imported by merchants due to its great fragility and rapid damage during shipping and warehousing operations.




Clementine oud

The Oud Clementine is one of the distinctive types of Indonesian oud, as this oud is distinguished by its long-lasting smell on clothes.




 Malaysian Oud

The Malaysian oud is distinguished by its very sweet and fragrant scent, and it has many different types, and the black dotted oud is considered one of the best and the best quality.



Malaysian oud is available in some forests in Malaysia, and often it is available in states such as Terengganu, Kedah, Malacca and Aibo, for Malaysia, most regions produce oud trees, and the odor of the oud differs from one region to another, as well as the quality of the same differs from one tree to another, and there are many types of Malaysian oud It is gradually classified from blue oud  to normal oud



sandalwood oud

Among the most famous types of incense, and extracted from sandalwood trees found in Southeast Asian countries, especially in India, and its most famous uses in medicine, and this is what made the demand for sandalwood sticks around the world and not limited to Arabs and Gulf countries





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