العروض المتوفرة




There is a very important information we should know before we start our subject. What is blue agarwood? Is it blue? In fact, Blue agarwood is not blue in color. This name came from the color of its smoke which is close to the blue color, otherwise its real color is dark brown or black.




Blue Agarwood is classified as one of the finest and best types of incense with the highest price, also called "Double Super" or Triple Super according to its quality. It comes in the form of black pieces of heavy weight and is used when the Arabs have important occasions and often used by wealthy people, families of princes, owners of capital and Agarwood lovers. This is because of its high cost.It is also used by Chinese and Buddhists to vaporize their temples and idols.


العود الأزرق




The blue agarwood is characterized by its strong smell of blue smoke as it is considered one of the best smells of agarwood at all and the blue agarwood has counted somewhat different labels according to different sellers and markets in the countries, including


Blue Agarwood Triple Diver

The most luxurious and prized incense Agarwood, and is one of the very rare species. This type is characterized by the consistency and beauty of the smell of aroma having a smell impact that remains for long periods of time.




Triple Super Blue Af

Triple Super is one of the finest Malaysian Agarwood ever. It is called the Super Triple in Malaysian Markets.






It is considered one of the best types. and the incense that comes from It has a great admiration by consumers and admirers. It is one of the rare and most expensive types among all other species. The reason for naming it like this is just it as a description of the local market. It is characterized by the density of fat inside it and the specifications of having heavy weight odor smell and consequently its prices are expensive.

عود ازرق ماليزي دبل سوير



Blue agarwood is produced by the perennial agarwood tree in the forest when it defends itself from some larvae that harm it. The blue agarwood cannot be obtained from farmed agarwood or from young forest trees.


كيف تميز العود الازرق



And the source of the blue agarwood is not the preserve of a particular country or certain forests. Its source may be Clementani, Muroki, Indian, Cambodian or from one other country.

For those who work in the agarwood extraction, it is a matter of luck. It is very fortunate to find it inside the stems of trees being always full of fat and of heavy weight. Overall, it is the most good and best agarwood in any country and the best types of blue agarwood is blue diver that does not float above the water at all. The blue agarwood can also be distinguished by its darker black color. The darker the color, the better the quality.

العود الأزرق


Blue Agarwood is the best agarwood among all types of agarwood , which means this, in the agarwood Alklmintani for example agarwood number one is described as blue agarwood because the smell is the best, also in the agarwood Cambodian agarwood first quality is the best agarwood Blue. This means that the blue lute is present in any type of agarwood .

The prices of blue agarwood vary according to the type and quantity required.

To find out the original and the best quality agarwood we can distinguish it through the following

"If the agarwood is light in weight, the agarwood is less than the heavier agarwood , which means the heavier the agarwood is, the more the agarwood is better and the smell is better. The darker the color, the better"



The methods of vaporizing the agarwood are usually by putting the it on the embers or the electric incense burner. Some prefer to put a layer of ash above the embers and put the agarwood above the ash. To get the best incense and smell, we recommend using natural charcoal, not synthetic, and having a little ash.






  • Relieve headaches and migraine

  • calm the nerves and remove tension and insomnia

  • strengthens the nerves of the brain and reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease

  • Stimulates blood circulation and improves its work

  • gives the body more energy and vitality and helps the body to enjoy a quiet sleep

  • Resistant to colds and coughs

  • reduces the symptoms of asthma

  • Cleans the body and expels toxins and strengthens the digestive organs

  • expel insects such as mosquitoes, lice and fleas.

  • treats skin diseases and helps in the treatment of paralysis massage

  • used marinated in folk remedies: as a general tonic and a sexual tonic, and for the treatment of worms and centaria, and for the treatment of gout and rheumatism

You can check out the right side of the page on the most important Agarwood Blue offers from Almohit Company for oud and Oud fat




Frequently Asked Questions

تتواجد اكثر من 10 أنواع للعود يتم جلبها من مختلف انحاء العالم وهذه الأنواع هي ..... للمزيد 

يعتبر طفم العود الازرق واحداً من افضل و اجود انواع البخور على الاطلاق حيث يتميز بخور العود الازرق بكثافة دهن العود فيه ما يجعل من سعر العود الازرق مرتفع للغاية , ويتميز بخور العود الازرق برائحته الزكية التي لا مثيل لها , ويتواجد العود الزرق في معظم أجود أنواع العود الكثيرة حيث يتم تحديد النوع بأنه عود ازرق بحسب كثافة الدهن داخل كسرة العود و جودة العود الممتازة , و بخور الازرق من اغلى انواع العود التي يندر تواجدها 

يكثر نمو أشجار العود في المناطق الاستوائية والتي تكون في شرق آسيا حيث يتم استخراج العود من الهند وكمبوديا وماليزيا واندونيسيا وفيتنام وتايلاند وبورما وبنجلاديش حيث ان هذه الدول تعتبر الموطن الأصلي لشجرة العود حيث تتميز هذه الشجرة بعمرها الطويل ولا تنمو الا في هذه الدول 

من افضل الطرق التي يتم اتباعها لتثبيت رائحة عود البخور على اثاث المنزل هي بأن الأثاث يجب تنظيفه من الغبار ويتم التبخير ووضع الفواحة التي يكون بها عطر زيتي بجانب المبخرة والتجول في جميع انحاء المكان المراد تثبيت الرائحة عليه حيث ان ذرات دخان العود تلتصق برذاذ الفواحة ما يجعل رائحة العود البخور تدوم لفترة أطول .. للمزيد افضل طريقة لتثبيت رائحة بخور العود

البعض من محبي وعشاق العود قد يرغب في اقتناء اعواد بخور مميزة وحفظها لعدة سنوات و افضل طريقة لحفظ البخور هي علب الزجاج التي تحفظ العود والبخور وعندما يتم وضعها يجب احكام اغلاق العلبة وحفظها في مكان آمن بعيد عن حرارة الشمس والرطوبة 

التولة هي مقياس بتم وزن بخور العود بها وتبلغ تولة بخور الواحدة... للمزيد تولة البخور كم جرام 

يتم تصنيف العود بحسب جودة العود وتشبعه بالعود ولمعرفة التفاصيل من هنا ... مصطلحات تصنيف العود

مع شركة المحيط للعود ودهن العود يمكنك طلب الكمية التي ترغب في اقتنائها والبدء في تجارة العود بيعها في سوق العود المتواجد في منطقتك حيث نوفر لك افضل اسعار العود الطبيعي ودهن العود بالجملة , فقط تواصل معنا  

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