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Natural Oud Oil Price | Types of natural Oud oil

Oud oil prices


Natural Oud Oil is the most expensive in the world Al-Tayeb is a favorite among the Saudis in particular and the Gulf states in general as is one of the finest

Laotian oud oil or what is called  Lucy's stick one of the most luxurious and most expensive Purification due to the scarcity of resources and the difficulty of accessing it, and the Laotian oud oil is distinguished from others by its dark black color and its fanciful smell, and its prices are very expensive Its price ranges between $ 450 Up to $ 700 depending on quality and aroma

Dahn Al-Sioufi Oud Cambodian

Sioufi Oud Oil

Oud Sioufi Cambodia ranks 1st best selling & Popular Among its users, this fat is sold at very attractive prices, whose price ranges between $ 80 per tola and more Because the Gulf consumer found in oud oil, a Cambodian woman wanted, who combined the price, quality, and good smell thus, he could get many tolas of oud oil and could give many gifts to his relatives in order to gain their admiration and satisfaction

Burmese oud oil

Burmese Oud Oil

Burmese oud oil excels the oil  Burmese oud (the original oud) with a distinct scent that makes it Unique from others, until it became one of the most expensive fats and one of the rarest fats in the market due to its high price and scarcity, which made it jump at the highest prices Until the price of one tola in the market between $ 650 To $ 800 is still in demand and searching for it until the moment, because it is considered a rare and expensive fats.

Malaysian classic oud oil

the Malaysian oud oil is super triple The competitor in the market for oil of Indian Oud  With its quality and strong aroma And became a strong competitor Because of its desirable and acceptable price, the price of tola for Malaysian fat is sold between $ 270 to $ 200 and the degree of smell of fat varies. The Malaysian Oud and the prices are according to its quality, durability and aroma.

The price of oud oil in India

Indian Oud Oil

the most important types of paint Indian Oud It is the pure classic Indian oud oil that has a very strong and pungent smell and has a high concentration free of aromatic mixtures and additives


is one of the finest types of paint Natural Oud The most expensive of which is the price of one tola For 800 dollars, half a tola for 400 dollars and a quarter of a tola for 200 dollars and more. Also, aged Indian oud oil is available in many types, with different names, smells and prices, according to its quality and the period of its aging.

The price of applying Brashin's pure center

Prashin Oils

Described by Burchin oud oil as smelling It is cool and clear, and its price in the market is competitive and goodVery irrigated, as the price of one tola of a Brachin oud reaches $ 200, and a quarter of a prashine oud comes to $ 50, and it may sometimes increase according to the abundance of demand and supply.

Frequently Asked Questions

تختلف اسعار دهن العود من دهن عود الى اخر ولا يمكننا القول بأن نوع معين هو افضل دهن العود , حيث يتم تحديد سعر دهن العود بحسب جودة دهن العود حيث ان دهن العود الممتاز يكون ذو رائحة لا مثيل لها , وايضاً من المميزات التي تحدد أسعار دهن العود هي مدة التعتيق حيث انه كلما كان عطر دهن العود قديماً و معتق كان سعره اغلى وأيضاً في العادة ما يحدد العرض والطلب سعر الدهن في السوق , كذلك يختلف سعره باختلاف طريقة انتاجه ومصدره وكذلك مدى تعتيقه وتركيزه

دهن العود الطبيعي والممتاز له ميزاته الخاصة والتي هي الرائحة الباردة عند الاستنشاق والتي لا تؤدي الى العطاس , وايضاً تعتمد الجودة على امانة البائع لذلك عليك التأكد من البائع وامانته, كما يتم الغش في دهن العود وذلك لكي يرتفع سعره , جميع المعلومات تجدونها في الرابط التالي اسباب واساليب الغش في العود 

تعتبر التولة المقياس الأساسي الذي يتم استخدامه لوزن دهن العود حيث ان التولة الواحدة تساوي ... التولة كم جرام 

دهن العود عبارة عن زيت عطري يتم استخراجه من خشب العود , اما العنبر فهو عبارة عن قيء الحوت ويتم استخراجه من بطن الحوت ويستخدم كعطر وله فوائد علاجية متنوعة 

الكثير من عشاق دهن العود قد يرغب في شراء كمية كبيرة من دهن عطر العود والقيام بتخزينه لسنوات طويلة حيث انه عند تخزين دهن العود لفترة من الزمن تصبح رائحته اكثر فواحاناً وجودته افضل ويرتفع سعره , و من افضل طرق تعتيق دهن العود هي حفظه في زجاجة محكمة الاغلاق ويتم وضعها في مكان امن بعيد عن الرطوبة والحرارة لأطول فترة ممكنة,,, للمزيد .. طريقة تعتيق دهن العود 

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