العروض المتوفرة

Thai oud

the oud Thai in relation to a country extracted from agarwood farms in Thailand in Southeast Asia. The most important types of oud beautiful smelling


extraction areas (Thai oud)

Thai Oud

: Thai oud is extracted from the forests of Trad and Prachin in western Thailand, and it is also extracted from the forests of southern Thailand in small quantities. There are many oud farms (cultivated Thai oud) in the regions of Trad and Prachin, which is one of the most famous areas in the world in Cultivation of agarwood .

Thai oud chips

Thai Oud Chips

Thai incense has a beautiful, strong and long lasting scent. The shape of chips or in the form of large and medium pieces, black or dark brown, Thai oud chips are among the most agarwood chips. Popularity in the market

Price of Thai oud (Thai incense)

Thai Lute Pictures

the prices of the original Thai incense are average and not expensive compared to the rest of Types of Oud It is often found on the form of chips with excellent quality and a calm aroma. Adulterated types of it
If cheating is found in it, the cultured Thai oud is sold on it Natural Oud .


Agarwood farms in Thailand

There are many cultivated agarwood farms in the Prachin and Trad regions, where Thailand is almost the country that contains cultivated agarwood farms, and the surviving agarwood is often used in the production Oud oil It is also extracted from farms oud chips or slices, and they are called Brasheen Oud chips or Tarad chips

The best Thai oud

Thai ouds are generally mid-range and price and its main types

Brashin's Oud (Brashin chips)

Oud Brasheen

A brachin stick (brachine chips) from The best Thai oud , as it comes in the form of chips or slices, of which natural are from forests and farmed It has two faces, one is dark brown and the other is light brown, and both sides may come in the same dark brown color. This is better. Types of incense Barashin.

Trad Chips

Oud Trade

Named for its country of origin Trad region in Thailand, and it often comes in the form of chips with excellent smell and strength Excellent stability on cotton clothes and boards, acceptable and attractive prices for everyoneYou will perish and most of its consumption in the Arab Gulf region and Arab countries

Oud and oud oil have a great relationship, as we do not forget to mention that one of the Thai oud products is Thai oud oil, which is always characterized by a light color and a good smell with good stability, it is extracted from Thai oud wood and to find out more details you will find it in the types of Thai oud

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يتم تصنيف العود بحسب جودة العود وتشبعه بالعود ولمعرفة التفاصيل من هنا ... مصطلحات تصنيف العود حسب جودته

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